Thursday, June 2, 2011

The drive

My sweet middle child is ill.  I usually notice when they are about to get sick, not so with this one.  He was playing Star Wars one minute and laying on the floor complaining of his head hurting the next.  After a fearful trip to the doctor's office I brought him back home and watched as the fever would not come down and my child was more and more miserable.  After talking with the nurse from his doctor's office and see the fever and headache take over we headed to the er.  Usually Eddie and I go together for these visits.  We even have a "usual" way we do things, sad but true.  This time my oldest, not being fully awake, was not in favor of being pulled out of his bed and asked that Eddie stay home.
Here's the thing, I HATE night driving.  I do not enjoy parking garages and I have issues being in the dark, in a parking garage with only my child with me. :)  Shocking I know that I have issues.  But off we went.
All afternoon I had been having a silent conversation with the Lord.  Things like "Lord, I am concerned help me to know when to go to the doctor."  Next thing I know he is complaining that it hurt to put his head to his the office we went.  I asked for concrete things to look for so I could know, since I was now battling mommy emotions.  As we drove down Kingsley Ave. I continued my ongoing chat.  "Lord, I know it's not a big deal to do this without Eddie, but I really don't like driving alone."  My sweet Savior then made me smile.  As if to usher me through, the light turned green immediately.  This didn't happen once or twice but many times.  My trip down to Wolfson's continued to be a sweet time of Christ saying to me "Silly girl, I love you and you are never alone."  What a beautiful thing!
As we waiting(a total of 5 hours) I began getting impatient, shocking I know.  I began to mentally complain about the hard chairs, the loooong wait and how tired I was.  Knowing this wasn't beneficially I began looking for God's goodness.  Of course it is there for the finding.  Our nurse was kind, efficient and helpful.  We didn't have to come in contact with any of the kids that were vomiting(there were lots) The staff that cleans is very quick to clean each room after the family leaves, for me and my germ issues this was great.  There was a woman who scrubbed each room's floor even, LOVE that.  I have the ability to go to an er and wait to see a dr, that is a thankful moment in itself.  Jared slept, a needed and thankful thing!  I have a new phone so I could text updates to my family and friends and see who was praying for us on facebook, those prayers were a necessity for me.  When the doctor finally came in he was great!  He took time to listen to both myself and Jared.  He took the time to check out all issues and spent a great amount of time talking with us.  As a side note, he and his wife also homeschool just neat, that's all.  He mirrored my desire to not over medicate just get the fever under control and explained what to look for in the headache and such.
Remember earlier I noted how much I don't like parking garages in the dark?  Well by the time we left, the birds were chirping and it was beginning to get light!  Yep, I didn't have to walk through the dark but  the dusky morning light to get to my car in the garage. :)
Jared is still sick, head still hurts so badly he doesn't want to move, fever still high.  But, God is good all the time.  He is in the details, He is the big picture and He cares about each moment of our lives!  So while we deal with the round of whatever this is I know my Saviour has a plan even in my drive. :)