I have a child that learns differently. I have a child that hates that he can't do things easily. I have a child that struggles with reading.
I struggle for him. I also try to make things easier for him. But by doing so he doesn't have to strive and rely on Christ. So, I have backed off of this, this year.
It is hard. It hurts. It makes my heart hurt and makes me so sad.
Today is that kind of day. A "d" day as we call them. Frustration leads to anger, anger leads to temper, temper leads to the dark side...he he he, couldn't help but to throw a Star Wars-like list in there.
Today this is what the Lord told me about my son....and in turn myself.
Remind him his worth is in Me. I am bigger than everything. Remind him that My truth is the only Truth. I always tell the truth because I am THE Truth. Remind him that there are lies out there. There is a father of lies. Remind him that I am stronger! I Am. Remind him, when thoughts of worthlessness come.....throw them out in My name. He is beautiful, precious, and perfect for what I have created him to be.
Remind him of My love...My plan....My strength...My might...My joy in him....My joy in his life...in his heart for me....in his heart for the people I have placed in his life that only he can reach in HIS WAY for me because I knew he would be able to....
These are his reminders....but they are also my reminders....self doubt, frustrations, feelings of incompetence, invisibility, as if it all doesn't matter.....are lies and I will be relying only on THE GREAT I AM.... praying you are too! :)