Wednesday, April 25, 2012

10 years ago....

My boy turned 10 today.  I began thinking of his birth last night.  I remember dropping off my oldest at my friend's house, kissing him goodnight and praying we would get to the hospital quickly.....what I didn't know is that I am married to a man who does not think a woman in labor(clawing at the top of his car due to a contraction) is reason enough to run a red light on a deserted road.  So we didn't get to the hospital quickly, but we did go safely and without a ticket ;)  My husband was wonderful and caring.  Such a great man.
I also remember the nurse that came and got me from the ER wanted to know if I had a sunburn since my legs were red and blotchy...he he he...nope, it was just the way my body chose to react to the stress of childbirth.
I remember pain.  I remember trying to focus.....think of flowers.....visualize......think on Christ.....quote scripture(I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me was my mantra).....anything to get away from the intense pain radiating through my body.  My nurse was a of the best labor and delivery nurses I have ever had the priveledge to work with(so to speak).  He was calm, kind, funny....what a great gift to have, the ability to calm or at least help calm a woman in labor.
And then the pain meds came.  I knew from my first child that this had the ability to take the pain and stress away.  It is quite lovely.  Unfortunately it also sllllllooooooowwwwwws my labor down.
And then, while I am finally somewhat peaceful I feel suddenly nauseous.....and then throw up...not once or twice but so often that they finally gave me something else just to make it stop(it looked like  a contraction on the moniter and the nurses were getting concerned). 
So what I thought would be a short process turned into an allllll night affair. 
Such was God's perfect timing.  For you see my mom was on her way.  She left and drove 6 hours straight(stopping once for gas) to the hospital.  Had she come earlier in the evening she would have been the one caring for my oldest and missed the experience of his birth with us.  What a long drive for her, I can only imagine.  She arrived and stepped out of the room to call my dad to let him know what was going on.  When she came back in.....low and behold they broke my water and my boy was born 20 minutes later!!  HA, she didn't even know she would be in the room when he was born.  I have often wondered what she was thinking when she came back in to see the baby was coming!  I will have to ask.
I should have known this boy would prefer mornings....joining us about 7:30 am.  He has always been my ONLY morning person.  He prefers snuggles in the morning and time together first thing to time together before bed.  Always has. 
I also should have know after all that drama just to meet him he would be my drama kid too.  :) 
I have learned so much from him, laughed so much with him, cried so much for him, and prayed so much about him. 

He is funny, witty, energetic, loyal(to a fault at times), handsome, has an amazing memory, loving, quick tempered, athletic, is learning to love reading, pushes boundaries, strong, loves to build, jumps in to anything new and interesting(no matter the consequences some times!), tries new things(not new foods but new things), compassionate, caring, sympathetic, generous, loves Jesus, creative, loves church, thinks outside the box, wears his heart on his sleeve, emotional, helpful, sweet, bright, smart.....the list could go on.

I will end this by saying this.....the boy I was blessed with 10 years ago has enriched my life in ways I still don't fully understand.  He has caused me to lean on my Savior more and myself less.  He has shown me how simply love can be and how easy giving really is.  He has taught me, through the lessons I have had to teach him, about friendship, Christ, name it.  I would not be the follower of Christ I am today without having Jared in my life.  Wow.....I will "say" it again...for my benefit(sorry just bear with me)....I would not be the follower of Christ I am today without having Jared in my life.

Praise my wonderful, marvelous Savior for His good and perfect gift...not that the child is perfect but that through  this child we would both grow closer to the One who is perfect.  My desire is that one day I also could impact others for Christ in this way!  What's your desire?!  Jump in with Christ!!  Join the party! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jared! I remember the day you were born, sweet boy. A precious little friend born for my little SG born just two days earlier. What treasured words from your mama... taking us back to that beautiful time in our lives and to that most excellent day of your birth.

    I loved reading about you Jared. I wish I could see you more often. As it is, when I do see you, you have gone and changed (pretty dramatically!)... you are growing up and we are old friends that wish we could watch it up close.
    But we are grateful for these little glimpses into who you are becoming. And how wonderful... God has His hand on you, boy. Enjoy your journey with Him, Jared... you are so blessed to have Him saturate your life with His goodness as He does.

    Happy Birthday! and
    Much Love,
    The Liechtys (Kara, Greg, Samuel, and Sarah Grace)
