I'm writing out the book of John....when I say I'm writing it out I mean that I have a book (called a Journible, you can check them out here)....and when I say I'm writing this out I mean I've been working on this for a loooooooooong time, I'm a procrastinator and there was the time I lost the book...you get the picture.
Anyway, I am almost done now. I have a chapter left after today. I didn't go in order, I left chapter 19 almost for last. Why? Because this is the crucifixion of my Jesus. I didn't know how it would feel to write each word involved in this huge story, especially since writing out the rest of the book has been such a meaningful process for me. I have learned so many things, the Holy Spirit has revealed so many different lessons I desperately needed and didn't even know it (He's amazing like that).
Today though, I was to write verses 34-42 of chapter 19....wrap it up, move on to the final chapter, and rejoice that even though I was slow, it is complete. Instead I decided to skip to 20 today, yesterday was emotionally hard to write. 20 is the resurrection! Woot! Woot!! What a thing to live through in these words, right?!?!
Nope, I couldn't do it. I wrote one verse and felt the Lord pulling me back to chapter 19. WHY? I just wanted today to be THE day...the day we celebrate Him being alive again, feeling the emotions of the disciples and Mary Magdalene (yes, I get into books this intensely, which is why I am super careful with what I invest my time in!). I sat.....I thought...I didn't pray, I already knew what He was saying.....
I obeyed.
Whoa....what lessons He had for me today! I can hardly type fast enough!
First- sometimes, whether we like it or not....we HAVE to walk the hard path. Have to....we will be required to face the things that intimidate us or make us uncomfortable or....the things that really hurt....for His glory.
Second....it is worth it...He is worth it. Every hard moment, every tear cried, ever frustration voiced, every everything....worth it when we begin to see Him everywhere, feel His peace, know His Truth in a life altering way, show His love in ways we've never been able to do on our own, because we can't on our own....
Third....we can't hide forever....I read the verse that said Joseph and Nicodemus were secret followers of Christ. Well, Nicodemus is just listed as first coming to Christ by night. Joseph is fearful of the Jewish leaders, they aren't exactly kind to His followers. Yep, the Bible lists Joseph this way, "being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly" .... and I was struck.....secretly he was a disciple....secretly he followed, secretly he lived....secretly...
Have I tried to live secretly as a follower? Have I wanted to watch what everyone was watching, listen to what everyone was listening to, go along with how everyone else was acting/speaking/being?! Yep. I think, if we are honest, we all have.
But He knows this CANNOT go on forever. No man can serve two masters (Matthew 6:24) And in the case of Joseph and Nicodemus...it didn't. The time came for both these men, and many others I'm sure, when they couldn't be secret disciples They are the ones that wrapped Jesus' body. Joseph is the one that made the request to Pilate himself!
But they waited until after their Lord was dead, after they could walk with Him as He was, after the many moments not even listed in Scripture (twice in the book of John alone it is said there are so many other things Jesus did that aren't recorded)....after.....
My challenge for myself and my friends...keep fighting the fight....keep seeking Him above all else...but also, stop trying to hide bits of Jesus in your life....or trying to make your life fit with those around you for fear of the unknown or ridicule or whatever......don't wait until "after".....
Whew....I'm going to go back to the Scripture now and pray and praise Him whose plans are perfect and way better than mine! Maybe someone else needed to hear this today as well, if not, well, then it was a gift for me and that is enough :)
Thank you for this!! I have had been frustrated many times at the stands I take and feel so alone :( I want to shout from the rooftops "DON'T YOU SEE|!!" yet, I am quiet. Thank you for your obedience!!