Monday, November 8, 2010

Multitude Monday

A couple of my friends are a part of the Multitude Monday community. While I do not know much about that community I decided after a rough start to our homeschool day I need to list things I am thankful for :) Sooooo here it goes:

Three little people, who really aren't that little anymore
a house to keep us out of the wind
an amazing man of God that I get to call husband
the warmest comforter ever
a chance to stay under that warmest comforter ever a bit longer today
lessons to teach through difficulties
dental insurance for the kids!
the joy of watching my oldest write a novel
birthdays and all that can be learned from them
the faithfulness of my Creator
the love of my Best Friend
the joy that only comes through Him alone
listening to my youngest plan a "fancy, shmancy party"
the struggle of my middle with reading and what we all learn from it
the privilege of schooling my children from home
my parents to give my spouse and me a night off
food, yummmm
laptop computers, oh how I love typing from my bed!
Community Bible Study
the study of Daniel

1 comment:

  1. counting joys with you :)
    thank you for sharing. i smile,
