Monday, November 15, 2010

Thankful for a leaky roof?

Today is Multitude Monday, however, I want to do it a little differently today. The Lord impressed on me this weekend the need to be thankful for the good and the bad. Actually, I said this out loud without much thought until the words started rolling around in my head. So my list will be different, but in a great way, a way that shows how God is glorified in all we do!

i am thankful for a leaky roof......without that leak the roofers wouldn't have decided to go ahead and just redo the whole thing. A week later the hurricane came our way(several years ago), the house was not damaged, I can't even imagine what kind of water damage we would have had with so many week spots in our roof!

i am thankful for a child with dyslexia......through his struggle we both find small victories to celebrate. This struggle makes me more compassionate to others, makes me work harder at being an advocate for those who struggle, makes me rely on my Creator for all.

i am thankful for a daughter who pushes........she makes me seek Christ moment by moment. Through her obstinate ways, I see my own towards what He has asked me to do. Through the struggles and tears I recognize His sovereignty.

i am thankful for boundary testing...........this makes me stand firm and know Who I stand firm with!

i am thankful for a child that follows the may think this isn't difficult. Try telling this child he must do something in a different manner than another adult told will then agree with me, this is not a normal thankful thing. But, none the less, I am thankful for this. It reminds me that yes rules are good, respect for those in authority over us is needed. It also reminds me to not be afraid to ask questions, seek full understanding(doesn't mean I will get it) and that thinking outside of the box stretches and grows him/me/anyone willing to do it!

i am thankful for a messy house..........though I don't like it, this makes me evaluate what I allow in my life to junk it up! Also it is an opportunity to teach, grow and stretch the whole family. I am reminded of our great blessings as well.

i am thankful for chores.........again, though they aren't fun, they teach order, respect and build our family connection with each other. By having these things we don't always like, it keeps things running much smoother.

i am thankful for friends that have moved........uggggg, really, I must find the thankful part of this?! It isn't really hard though. I am thankful that through these friendships I have been able to see Christ work in ways that would never have happened had everyone stayed here. It has opened my eyes to some unsavory parts of my character that I have not given over to Christ as well.

i am thankful for hard times..........I refer to money for this one. Without this struggle I would not be supremely thankful for each amazing blessing He provides, might not even notice them! Without this blessing I would not be able to stretch my dollars He's given me, I would not have to, so I would never have learned.

i am thankful for hard times..........I refer to both clothing kids and money. Without this struggle I would have never found friends that have passed clothes on to my kids. Through Christ's directing I would have never read about and then started own clothing swap. Without this, we would not be reaching out to each other but to things.

i am thankful for a broken kitchen........this one will be something I work on being thankful for. But I see the blessing in drawers that don't close right, doors that are broken, flooring that is so badly beat up it can't be fixed or mopped or anything to be "nice" looking. This keeps me humble. Humble in a good way, I must see beyond the artificial stuff and look into my own heart. The heart filled with pride, envy and discontent. I must see and seek His face for forgiveness, asking for a softening of my heart to be more like His, this is a hard one for me.

i am thankful for an incomplete house.......again, what am I relying on to bring me contentment? Will I not allow others to view my house or my life because I am concerned for what it shows? Will I not open my house to host those the Lord has told me to host because it isn't my ideal or what I deem good enough? I am thankful.

i am thankful for the hard lessons that have to be learned........they have shaped me and molded me closer to the image of my Savior. They have forged a bond between my husband and myself strong and intimate. They have kept me seeking Him, advice from other Christ-centered friends and waiting for His leading at times. The tears still flow freely, heartbreak still is heartbreak, but the One who holds my heart is still the One who holds my heart too!

i am thankful for more hard lessons......... I have had the privilege and challenge of watching terrible heartbreak in others as well and have seen it create beauty from ashes and glory from the gory(so to speak).

i am thankful for His plan.......I know this seems an easy one. But His plan and my own selfish plan do not line up. His plan is better, wiser and more amazing than anything I can even begin to conjure up in my mind. Though it isn't easy, it is beautiful, though it isn't tear free, it is peaceful, though it isn't for the faint hearted, He is my strength, though it isn't for those who choose the wide road, the narrow is full, abundant and most importantly He is there, walking, talking, comforting, protecting even when I can't or won't see it.


  1. Thanks, Jennifer. I needed to ponder some of these very things today.

  2. yes, sometimes the 'hard thanks' are the best of thanksgiving :)

    and this:

    Though it isn't easy, it is beautiful, though it isn't tear free, it is peaceful, though it isn't for the faint hearted, He is my strength, though it isn't for those who choose the wide road, the narrow is full, abundant and most importantly He is there...

